polymer orientation câu
Compressed CO2 to jettison high tensile strength polymer cables.CO2 nén để phóng căng dây cáp Polymer có độ bền cao. Compressed CO2 to ...

No orientation, no guidebook.Không có bất kì hướng dẫn nào, không sách hướng dẫn. Patients weren't lying about their sexual orientatio...

condensation polymer
Unlike most other nylons, nylon 6 is not a condensation polymer, but instead is formed by ring-opening polymerization.Không như những n...

conducting polymer
One conducting polymer used in OLEDs is polyaniline.Một polymer dẫn được sử dụng trong các OLED là polyaniline. Identify the location o...

high polymer
In British English, the word "macromolecule" tends to be called "high polymer".Trong tiếng Anh-Anh, từ "macromolecule" thường được gọi ...

inorganic polymer
Inorganic polymer fibers with carbon content above 90%.Sợi carbon là vô cơ polymer chất xơ chứa cacbon cao hơn 90%. Carbon fiber is th...

linear polymer
Like other glycosaminoglycans keratan sulfate is a linear polymer that consists of a repeating disaccharide unit.Giống như glycosaminog...

organic polymer
Together with the organic polymer material, this acid creates a char which prevents the propagation of the flames.Cùng với vật liệu pol...

polymer banknote
This is the first polymer banknote of Romania.Đây là tiền giấy polymer đầu tiên do Ngân hàng Nga cấp. This is the first polymer bankno...

polymer chemistry
Details : 2nd International Conference on Polymer Chemistry.Một cặp: Các hội thảo quốc tế về hóa học Polymer Editorial Board Member, J...

polymer clay
The polymer clay refrigerator magnets turned out successful.Dây truyền sản xuất gạch Polymer hoá đã lắp đặt thành công. Do you know wh...

polymer concrete
When compared with the conventional concrete, in polymer concrete the aggregates will be bound with the polymer instead of cement.Khi s...

polymer fiber
Carbon fiber is the inorganic polymer fiber containing carbon is higher than 90%.Sợi carbon là vô cơ polymer chất xơ chứa cacbon cao hơ...

polymer physics
The scientists detailed their findings recently in the Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics.Kết quả nghiên cứu được đăng...

polymer resin
The PPG Industries Circleville plant is the company's center for polymer resin production, primarily for automotive applications.Nhà má...

superabsorbent polymer
The swelling ratio of a superabsorbent polymer can reach the order of 1000:1.Tỷ lệ trương nở của polyme siêu hấp phụ có thể đạt tới thứ...

synthetic polymer
In 2003, synthetic polymer banknotes replaced cotton banknotes.Năm 2003, tiền giấy polyme tổng hợp thay thế tiền giấy. Chemically, it ...

thermosetting polymer
Reaction injection molding (RIM) is similar to injection molding except thermosetting polymer are used, which requires a curing reactio...

angular orientation
A: Luminous Intensity is equal to the amount of luminous flux emitted into a very small solid angle at a defined angular orientation fr...

antenna orientation
Obviously, it cannot be emitted radiation from our galaxy, because then it will depend on the relative antenna orientation to the plane...

building orientation
The building orientation is another important factor for creating a cost-effective building design.Định hướng xây dựng là một yếu tố qu...

customer orientation
CUSTOMER ORIENTATION Every client will receive orientation to the motorcycle.Mỗi khách hàng sẽ nhận được hướng đến xe máy. Pride in pr...

diamond orientation
There’s nothing really unusual about the W800’s control panel, except perhaps its diamond orientation “pointing” to the front of the pr...

employee orientation
Every employee orientation must be expert.Định hướng mỗi nhân viên đều phải trở thành chuyên gia. Design an effective employee orienta...

free orientation
Before and during arrival, a free orientation programme and advice service about visas, accommodation and related issues is available t...